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4.2 Lists

4.21 Alias Tab

Here you can create aliases, or shortcuts for complex IRC commands. Some examples have been created for you, and a reference template appears at the bottom of this page. %p is the place holder for any arguments you may wish to add when using an alias.

4.22 Ignore Tab

Here you can set which users if any you want to ignore, and what kind of messages from them to ignore. To add an ignore to the list, click the 'Add Ignore' gadget, then type the user's name in the text input gadget labeled 'Ignore'. Next click on the type of messages you want to ignore. Checking the 'text' box will prevent you from seeing any public messages from the user. Setting the 'privmsgs' box will prevent you from seeing /MSGs from that user to you. Likewise, clicking the 'CTCPs' box will prevent you from seeing any CTCP requests from the Ignored user. To delete an ignore, click on the entry you wish to delete, and then click on the 'delete ignore' gadget.

4.23 Hilite Tab

Here you may set certain text to be highlighted in order to get your attention if that text appears. You may set text to match the nick, Userhost, or any keyword enclosed in double quotes. To add a new pattern, click on the Button labeled "Add new Hilite pattern", and type your pattern into the input gadget. To delete an existing pattern, Click on the entry yo uwish to delete and then click on the button labeled "Delete Hilite pattern". The Hilite patterns will ignore a pattern it recognizes if it was input by you, but will activate on the pattern from other users.

Pattern Definitions:

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